
Awareness campaign against HIV

The disease Aids is falling into oblivion, although the chances to get infected are increasing in each social class with weakening interest in this subject.  On the occasion of the World Aids Day EuMeCom therefore initiated a major awareness campaign on HIV. Its intention was to explain what Aids is, how it is transmitted and how you can protect yourself. Authentic, touching, stirring, realistic, but in no way frightening.

To rouse the spectators´ emotions on the syndromes a portrait of a person infected with HIV should be shot. An advertising agency requested us to develop the script and to direct the film and we were also responsible for casting.

It was not easy to find a HIV patient for this film who was prepared to tell his story. During shooting, however, the diffidence vanished. With Stephan Heinz working at the camera we obtained expressive images and very personal interviews.

The result is a touching portrait showing how life changes with HIV infection.

Informative film on prevention of uterus neck cancer

A production agency requested us to conduct interviews about prevention of uterus neck cancer. The clearly defined aim was to fight against regressive vaccination.

Especially young women do not care about uterus neck cancer. To give them an understanding of these problems persons affected by this disease were supposed to speak about their disease.

We chose a separate area in a Berlin hotel as an optically attractive location which allowed us to have intimate talks and to produce pictures full of emotions.

Denise Mikulsky was responsible for script and direction as well as location scouting. Stephan Heinz was the man behind the camera.
The result: a film with a high level of authenticity and a lot of persuasive power.